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Heal Your Chronic PainĀ with Neuroscience, Nervous System Regulation, and FUN!

Click here for my free "Nervous System Modules" - learn the tools to start feeling better today!


Healing Chronic Pain is Possible!

 After 20 years as a Physical Therapist, my own health issues (ulcerative colitis, IBS) led me to the somatic approach.

After learning the new nueroscience of pain, that most chronic pain is like a habit of the brain that can be rewired, I knew I couldn't treat the same way.

Now I teach research based neurocience tools for pain reprocessing (PRT), and somatic techniques for nervous system regulation.

No more painful exercises or stretches. 

I help you integrate somatic techniques into your life while getting out of pain, and having more fun!

Learn more about Somatic Coaching

 "Unstoppable Body and Mind" Podcast- My Favorite Episodes

Episode #69- The Pain-Fear-Pain Cycle

This episode is all about how fear of pain causes the brain to CREATE more pain- the Pain-Fear-Pain Cycle.

The way you recover from pain depends on how you respond to pain signals in your body.

Many people with chronic pain tend to "catastrophize", or attach greater meaning or significance to pain.  There are also physiologic changes in the brain, making chronic pain sufferers more hypersensitive to perceived threats. 

These things actually cause the brain to create more pain signals.  Real pain that is felt in the body.

How you react to pain makes a difference, so listen today and see how you can learn to rewire your brain!


Episode #97- Top 3 Things To Do if You Have Chronic Pain

In this episode I wanted to simplify the three main concepts that I have found most important in getting out of chronic pain or disease.

1-Detective for the Opposite- This is the best place to start, by changing what you focus on 

2-Understanding and Regulating the Nervous System- Notice when your body is in a survival state and develop a toolbox to use to regulate.  The techniques can be top-down (thought based), or bottom-up (somatic). 

3-Compassion- Self compassion in the process can be the most challenging, but necessary part.

Listen now for more details!


Episode # 65- Interview with Dr Howard Schubiner

In this episode I interview Dr. Howard Schubiner- a Pioneer, Researcher and Leader in Mind-Body Medicine.

Howard is such a kind and sweet person, and explains pain and neural circuits in a compassionate, scientific, and easy to understand way. 

He has developed a protocol for diagnosing neural circuit pain (also called neuroplastic pain, neurogenic pain, TMS, Mind-body Syndrome).

And he trains medical professionals to unlearn what they have been taught, and become aware of the role the brain plays in generating pain.

Today’s episode covers understanding the brain’s role in pain, and how to tell if your pain is a neuroplastic.


“Betsy’s coaching is unparalleled in combining the latest neuroscience, life coaching tools, and somatic experiences to deeply understand the cause of your pain or physical symptoms and to move forward with healing.

Through my work with Betsy, I’ve healed decades-long chronic diagnoses and come off of ALL of my medications.

I know it sounds too good to be true but it isn’t – Betsy has it figured out and she can help you!” -Katrina Ubell, MD ("Weightloss for Busy Physicians" Lifecoach)


"I was able to run pain free for the first time in 25 years. 

Betsy's program helped me learn how to rewire my nervous system and to drop into a state of alignment that I never could have without her.  Her program is incredible, and I couldn't recommend it highly enough."  -Shelby Hansen

"I was able to run pain free for the first time in 25 years. 

Betsy's program helped me learn how to rewire my nervous system and to drop into a state of alignment that I never could have without her.  Her program is incredible, and I couldn't recommend it highly enough."  -Shelby Hansen


After just a couple months in Alignment Academy, Molly describes not needing a wheelchair on her trip. 


If you want support and community while healing, Alignment Academy is an awesome value!

Includes 8 group calls per month, unlimited written coaching on Slack, Video Modules, Workbooks and a Private Podcast.  Plus, purchase 1:1 sessions for a discounted rate.


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