Podcast Notes:

In this episode, I talk about TMS- Tension Myositis Syndrome.  Or what Dr John Sarno also calls Mindbody Syndrome.

TMS is a defense mechanism of the brain, against what it perceives as a bigger threat to our survival.  Our repressed emotions.

Physical pain can come from the body (nociceptive pain) or from the brain (nociceptive pain).

TMS is a type of pain created in the body by thoughts and emotions.  There are personality types that are more prone to TMS- perfectionists, people pleasers and co-dependent (I’m only ok if you’re ok.)

I am going to quote Dan Buglio’s (Pain Free You) list of TMS conditions, see if any of them apply to you:

“heartburn, reflux, abdominal pains, IBS, tension and migraine headaches, rashes, anxiety or panic attacks, depression, OCD thought patterns, eating disorders, insomnia, fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, repetitive stress injury, carpal tunnel, TMJ- jaw pain, tendonitis, facial pain, burning, numbness, tingling, muscle twitches, palpitations, chest pain, pelvic pain, muscle tenderness, “growing pains”, knee pain, dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, allergies, and asthma.”

To watch this episode, check out my IGTV.


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Podcast Transcript: