Podcast Notes:

Our brains are always trying to make meaning. And when we have a new pain or flare up, I have noticed many of us tend to look at our past to make sense of it.

The way we react to pain will make a difference in whether our pain is amplified or decreased. So if we react with fear and stress, this actually causes our brain to PRODUCE more pain.

When we compare current symptoms to the pain, anxiety or depression we felt before, we can cause a fearful state. We basically freak ourselves out! Which causes more pain.

Most of the time, pain is caused by past stressors (childhood or early adulthood), present stressors, perfectionism, or people pleasing (wanting to be seen as good). NOT by structural injuries as we have always been taught.

Our past does not have to predict our future.

You can look at these signs from your body as a warning signal or call to attention. What could you change in your thoughts or environment? Do you need to create some boundaries, give yourself rest, or change old thought patterns that are causing you mental stress? Pain is a danger signal, but it is our job to interpret what it is really saying.

The main key when in pain, is to calm yourself. Decrease the nervous system from fight or flight to rest and repair so your body can heal. So be on to yourself if you catch yourself thinking- this is just like before!

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Podcast Transcript:

About The Author:

Betsy Jensen host of Body and Mind Podcast

Betsy Jensen

Join Betsy Jensen in this inspiring podcast on elevating your life by improving your body and your mind. Listen to Betsy’s podcast episodes below.