Podcast Notes:

In this episode, I talk about how important acceptance of your pain is.

And not in a resigned way, like accepting you will alway have pain and working on your thoughts.

I am talking about the importance of acceptance as the fastest, easiest way to achieve healing.

Just like you can learn to become more mindful, by accepting your thoughts and feelings. You can also practice acceptance of the sensations you have in the moment. When you can react to pain sensations neutrally, this rewires your brain to create less pain.

Three steps I give to creating more acceptance and healing are

1-Don’t blame yourself for the pain

2-Don’t catastrophize the pain*

3-Become more Neutral- find an array of ways for you to calm your nervous system, go into, or ignore the pain

*See Episode #69 to know if you are catastrophizing

Listen to find out more about how accepting the pain will help healing.

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Podcast Transcript:

About The Author:

Betsy Jensen host of Body and Mind Podcast

Betsy Jensen

Join Betsy Jensen in this inspiring podcast on elevating your life by improving your body and your mind. Listen to Betsy’s podcast episodes below.