Podcast Notes:

In this episode I interview Drew Coverdale, a Physiotherapist in Northeast England, and author of the book “The Pain Habit: Your Journey To Recovery”

Drew has intuitively explored various strategies with his PT patients with persistent pain who were not seeing improvements any other way.

He integrates concepts from talk therapy, behavior science, neuroscience and psychology, and has come to view pain as a habit.

He has seen rapid transformations with people, and with others it takes longer. But “Change is possible for persistent pain. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, if you are ready to take the steps.”

Pain is a habit, driven by a stress response. Fear and frustration are the biggest emotions that he sees trigger the stress response, which can then trigger pain.

Pain recovery can start where you are now, in the moment. You can learn to create new, positive habits, instead of the habit of pain.

Changing the habit involves how you think, breathe, move, or feel. Be sure to include the emotional component by rewarding yourself as you do the new habit. That is the fastest way to rewire your brain for habit change.

You can find “The Pain Habit: Your Journey To Recovery” by Drew Coverdale on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Pain-Habit-Journey-Recovery-Discover-ebook/dp/B08KLYSLFG

For more information, check out my website https://bodyandmindlifecoach.com

Or to schedule a free 60 min coaching session, click here, https://calendly.com/thebetsyjensen/free-consult

Podcast Transcript:

About The Author:

Betsy Jensen host of Body and Mind Podcast

Betsy Jensen

Join Betsy Jensen in this inspiring podcast on elevating your life by improving your body and your mind. Listen to Betsy’s podcast episodes below.