Podcast Notes:

In this podcast, Body and Mind Life Coach Betsy Jensen talks about a life hack for rewiring old programs in your brain.  It’s called the evidence file.

You write down evidence against the current belief you want to change- whether on 3×5 cards in a file, or on a list somewhere you keep.  For example, I have an evidence file of nice things people have said to me or successes I’ve had.  So when my old program of “you’re worthless” comes up, I can easily look at evidence that proves it’s not true.

You can use the evidence file to make a case against your pain.  Notice on purpose the times you DON’T have pain when you expected you would.  It is so much easier to notice and focus on when you do have pain.  But reacting to pain with strong emotions like frustration, worry or fear, just strengthens the neuronal connections that reinforce the pain is important.  Most of chronic pain is neuroplastic pain that is created by the brain because of emotional factors, but felt in the body as pain.

The evidence file will help you decrease the strength of the neuronal connections in your brain, and rewire your brain to make less pain.