Podcast Notes:

Here are the FIT Criteria- From Dr Howard Schubiner’s book “Unlearn Your Pain”.

The FIT Criteria are general ways that neuroplastic pain behaves, that are different than if pain was structural.

You do not have to answer yes to all of these, with just one there is a good chance your pain can be rewired with this method.

When you start proving to yourself that your pain is neuroplastic, you can retrain your brain and nervous system to produce less pain.

Here are Dr Howard Schubiner’s FIT Criteria:

FUNCTIONAL: (Symptoms do not fit with known structural conditions)

-Symptoms began without a physical precipitation

-Symptoms persist after an injury has healed (3-6 mo)

-Symptoms are in a distribution pattern that is symmetric

-Symptoms occur on one whole side of the body or occur on half of the face, head, or torso

-Symptoms spread over time to different areas of the body

-Symptoms radiate to the opposite side of the body or down a whole leg or arm

-Symptoms that occur in many different body parts at the same time

-Symptoms that have a quality of tingling, electric, burning, numb, hot or cold

INCONSISTENT: (Symptoms vary in ways that the structural condition would not)

-Symptom shift from one location in the body to another

-Symptoms are more or less depending on the time of day. Or they occur first thing in the morning or in the middle of the night

-Symptoms occur after, but not during, an activity or exercise

-Symptoms occur when one thinks about them or when someone asks about it

-Symptoms occur when stresses increased or one thinks about stressful situations

-Symptoms are minimal or nonexistent when engaged and joyful or distracting activities, such as when on vacation

-Symptoms are minimal or nonexistent after some kind of therapy, such as massage, chiropractic, Reiki, acupuncture, an herbal or vitamin supplement

TRIGGERED: (Symptoms are brought on by stimuli that would not actually cause the symptom physically, but they activate the brain to generate the symptom)

-Symptoms are triggered by things that are not related to the actual symptom, such as foods, smells, sounds, light, computer screens, menses, changes in the weather

-Symptoms are triggered by the anticipation of stress, such as prior to school, work, a doctors visit, a medical test, a visit to a relative, or a social gathering; or during those activities

-Symptoms that are triggered by simply imagining engaging in the triggering activity such as bending over, turning the neck, sitting or standing

-Symptoms that are triggered by light touch or innocuous stimuli, such as the wind or cold

Podcast Transcript:

About The Author:

Betsy Jensen host of Body and Mind Podcast

Betsy Jensen

Join Betsy Jensen in this inspiring podcast on elevating your life by improving your body and your mind. Listen to Betsy’s podcast episodes below.